Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We Belong Here

I Am At Home in the Universe

And all mine are thine, and thine are mine;
and I am glorified in them. John 17:10

This meditation may be considered an all-inclusive prayer because in includes ourselves and others. It is truly doing unto others that which we would like them to do unto us., and it establishes a unity between ourselves and those around us, a feeling that we are all part of the kingdom of Good. This all-inclusive prayer then, is one that expands our consciousness of the true self, and at the same time blesses others.

...There is One Life, that Life is God, that Life is perfect, that Life is mine and your life now.

Looking upon the circumstances that surround me, I bless them even as Jesus blessed the bread and broke it. Even as the loaves and fishes multiplied in the outstretched and upturned hand of his love, so I know that everything in my experience that is good is multiplied and increased. Even as I feel the increase pressing into my own experience, I give it out that it may feed and bless and multiply the good of others, who are some part of me because God is in them, and in me, and we are in each other.

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