Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Love Everybody - Embrace the Infinite in Everyone

Beloved. let us love one another because love is from God: everyone who loves is born of God & knows God. 1 John 14:7

We all long for intimate relationships; we wish to feel that we are one with all people. This yearning, which every normal person has, emanates from an unconscious, but spiritual, perception that we are all one with Life itself. While there is no sense of rejection there will be no loneliness.

I no longer reject myself. Knowing that I am one with all people in the Spirit. I receive everyone as a friend. I establish a close and intimate relationship with everyone I meet--something goes out from me and becomes unified with them. I include all and exclude none.
Higher than all differences is that union of the soul with its Source; beyond all differentiation, the Infinite Person is enshrined in the sanctuary of my own consciousness. One with all people, I enjoy this Divine companionship. I embrace the Infinite in everyone and in turn am embraced by It.
Ernest Holmes, Daily Wisdom, Nov. 26th

One of the first things to do is to love eveybody. If you have not done this, begin to do so at once. The Science of Mind p. 294

He that sayeth he is in the light and hateth his brother is in the darkness; he that loveth his brother is in the light. 1 John 2: 9-10

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