Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Be Happy - Help Heal the Planet

Be Happy - Help Heal the Planet
Joy Is the Realization of Oneness
Ron Alexander
There has been one crisis after another lately. Are you freezing in fear or are you taking action to be a part of the solution? “Where there is crisis there is opportunity”, according to the Tao. What is the “opportunity” here?
From reading Awakening into Oneness by Arjuna Ardagh and experiencing the grace of “Deekshas” (Oneness Blessings) by Diedra Price and Beth Inman locally many times now, I have been struck by the increase of joy in my life. “A happy person will be an asset to society. Spirituality is about happiness.” (Anandagiri in Ardagh’s book)
Deeksha givers go through intensive training to become empty vessels, so that God's Grace can come through their hands placed gently on your head. The intention is to balance the energy in the brain. The chatter from the busy left side decreases, as the calmer right side of the brain becomes more engaged. The result, for me, is that I end up feeling more centered in the moment. Even washing the dishes is enjoyable. I feel more accepting and helpful to others.
By its very name and principles, the Unity Church stands solidly behind the Oneness Movement.
Joy is the realization of oneness, the oneness of our soul with supreme love.” Tagore
“Be of one mind,live in peace.” II Cor.13:18

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