Sunday, September 28, 2008


yes Jah rastafari ever livin ever lovin ever sure
you people make me feel IRIE
Bob Marley's music is so simple as simple as love
love has no eyes and makes no distinctions
love is the one thing which we can give and give and give and it will only become more
give love freely it is not a thing of barter nor does it imply that the recipient must give in return
love grows in the giving give freely and without strings just as Bob Marley gave his words and music for all the world to enjoy
dance enjoy rejoice and be happy
we all have but the single moment in time and none can tell which was the first nor which shall be their last
give love in this moment and worry not about the next
Amir Hedayat-Vaziri

Sabrina, Happy Birthday, I wish someone could sing you Marley's "One Love" for your bithday. Do you have a video of him playing that One-der-full song. If not could you share the lyrics with us?"
Love is all we came here for.
No one could offer you more.
Do you know what I mean?
Have your eyes really seen?
Love is the open-ended door.
Nobody could offer you more.
Do you know what I mean?
Love is all we came here for.
Do you know what I mean?
Have your eyes really seen?"
Elton John from his Tumbleweed Album about thirty years ago.

Sabrina, "I know your eyes have seen," Happy Happy Birthday. One Love, Ron

AMIR ... RON .. my brothers .. wow am I happy about earning some more years of wisdom - at 39 i now that there is so much more to learn and pass on .. praise Jah for the blessing of life ..... i have this little blog thing going .. havent told anyone about it really its a way keep my balance .. but there is a video and lyrics for One Love on there ... I played Bob the entire morning and switched to Burnin' Spear in the evening - we intended to go to the reggae club but decided to stay home and enjoy the 'Reggae Ride' on the radio (every Sat. night) ... love love love Amir thats all its about nothing more - you are so right ... Ron thank God I have seen - now comes the responsibility of sight ... i pray for strength for us ALL ... Blessings ALL
Sabrina Titley

Baha'i Writings -- Be As One Spirit from Ron's friend, Sally

Let your hearts reflect the glories of the Sun of Truth in their many colors to gladden the eye of the divine Cultivator Who has nourished them.
Day by day become more closely attracted in order that the love ofGod may illumine all those with whom you come in contact. Be as one spirit, one soul, leaves of one tree, flowers of one garden, waves of one ocean

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