Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Faith = Joyous Expectations

Thy faith has served thee; go in peace. Luke 7:58
"Today I have faith that my word shall not return unto me void. Today I surrender myself completely to this faith, for I know that there is a creative Spirit that gives substance to this faith
and will provide the evidence of this substance in actual fact. Therefore, I expect to meet my good, and I rejoice in anticipation of this good. I know that my faith operates through an immutable Law and that there is no possibility of Its failing."
"Most everyone believes that all things are possible to the person who has faith, but everyone has not taken the time to analyze exactly what faith is. Faith is a definite mental attitude. It is an attitude of the conscious mind that is no longer denied by our unconscious reactions to life."
I (Ron) was brought up to "expect the worst, and you won't be disappointed." As I became an adult, I was taught "to fake it until I make it."
Both of those attitudes are contradictions to faith. Faith is perfect when we say "I believe." and when there is nothing in us that denies that simple faith. This is what the Bible means when it says we must "know in the heart." The heart symbolizes the innermost center of our being, When the intellect is no longer contradicted by our emotional reactions, by unconscious doubts and fears, the words of our mouth will immediately bear fruit.
Count it all joy, my children, whenever you face trials of all kinds,
because you know that the testing of your faith develops
perseverance. James 1:2,3
Today I expect to meet my good, and I rejoice in the anticipation of that good.
Much of above was transcribed from a Daily "Word" (Sept. 9) by Ernest Holmes titled The Immutable Law of God Sustains My Positive Acceptance of Perfect Faith.

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