Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Planetary Environmental Concerns & Soldier's Hearts

I have just returned from Thailand, and guys we have so much to learn from this people regarding living with nature.
They are phenomenal, they are simply a true example of what we all should do.
I am trying to apply some of their techniques and I hired a Thai expert to develope their green respect with the touch of elegance and beauty this Thai people are developing, I am simply impressed. No wonder why the most beautiful hotels and theme parks are in Thailand, and gosh how delicate and sweet are the ladies... wowwwww...
Agustin Ortiz,


Thats a leap in faith for me ... I served in Nam' and Thailand in 68 and 69 and their idea of green was to throw all of the garbage out of the window of the hut and when it got higher than the hut, they moved the hut ...

Best regards, Vernon C./Vpc
Vernon Collins,

Well Vernon, back in the late 60's no one care about green or yellow or polution, that was against all odds.
Now Thai's are learning thet they have just a few ways of survival, and one is to take care and watch for their land and forest, thailand is one of the most efervecent countries nowadays for European tourists, and Germans (they only beleive that the black forest is the only forest they can travel) are so exigent on cleanliness, no moskitos, no wild animals, (I mean for a German a rat is a wild animal), and Thais have ñearned to deal with this eloquent and theatrical tourists excelent, and I admire what they have done.
Agustin Ortiz,


I hope its true for themselves and themselves alone, they're a proud an vigilant country and I hope that which you indicated is a self pragmatic paradigm for themselves and their fellows.

My best regards, Vernon C./Vpc
Vernon Collins,

Vernon, Why just for "themselves alone"? The whole planet needs to work together to heal the environmental problems. "The wind from a butterfly wings affects the whole world." This is a paraphrase, of course, but I got to experience the winds from a volcano thousands of miles away and three days previously. These abnormally high winds came along the jet stream unexpectedly (we did not understand these effects back then) and sunk many boats in the "protected" harbor I was in. I was fortunate to be aboard, and used diesel power to face the wind along with my two set anchors. I had to wear goggles & a snorkle to see and breath through the spray. For less fortunate vessels that were flying by me set free by the wind and heading to the rocks, I had students fending them off with boat poles. They were going too fast to catch them.

We all need to work together, Ron

Wow, Ron....I was there on the boat with you as i read it!!! What an experience...sure makes you grateful for every minute you get granted from then on!
Marie-Dominique D,

I certainly understan your repulsion of Thais, afterthe Kemish rouge, and after learning about the killing fields, you won't beleive that those kids are now able to stand up a nation, and what they have done in tourism, it's unbeleivable, Orient express is now owned by thailandese, the most luxurious venues in the world are located in the killing fields, and the remains of the 60's war are forgotten in the minds of Thais, they are respectfull, open, and overall welcoming all sort of tourits and don't care about their menthality, the only think I dislike is the protitution, the girls so young and pretty shoen in the hookers apparel like cattle, and the ugly "looking for sex" tourists geting drunk and abusing of the prostitution in Bangkcock, well that happens in other cities in the world but I have never seen the industry of prostitution like in Bangcock, its a "bang, bang" 24 hours a day.
Agustin Ortiz

Can you believe it? How many posts ago I wrote that "this too shall pass?" I think that most of us want to have planetary committment to good environmental solutions to any problems. Don't you agree?

"The modern world is developing an almost mystic consciousness of the continuity and interdependence of humankind." Jane Addams (many years ago)

Good to hear from you, Ron

"Treat the earth well: We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"-Ancient American Indian Proverb, well said, huh? Ron



Well said Ron - well said. . . Our stewardship decides tomorrow.

William Kovach

Dear Augustin,great words,but allow me to suggest that I find it better not to even mention the aspects which you dislike. You are indirectly advertising for them unless you can choose your audience.
Ron I had forgotten that great one. Thx., can spread the word in fertile minds.
Amir Hedayat-Vaziri,

Good point again Amir - Thoughts are things - chose the good ones!

William Kovach,

This audience of course (I hope) is for adut people with strong moral values, I wanted to reafirm and retreive Vernn's repulsion to Thailand and the bad experiences he suffered back in the 60's, and certain things that has not changed since then when US troops stationes in Bangcock and left what now they are making money out of it. It is certainly disgusting and lack of moral, but in the other hand to see how they are building a nation, taking advantage of their disadvantages its amazing.
Agustin Ortiz,

Agustin - Many people that served in that debacle hold the same opinion.
IT was a difficult time for many and the country, indeed the entire area, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, was cetainly not what it might be now. Unfortunately, those of us who served still have thoughts of that time frame etched forever in our minds.
It was a difficult time. . .
If, indeed, the area has progressed, all the better for the people.

There is an old saying - "You can certainly make chicken soup out of chicken poop - just don't ask me to drink it. . . ".

It might be a super area, a renaissance, a new world. . . for me, I'll have to pass. . . sorry

William Kovach,

I certainly understand you, and I also have my nightmares with all these asians, I served in 1972 til 75 in 'nam at the navy and yes, everytiime I see these asians, my nightmares and records of the past pops up in my mind, and for me china can be the economy of the future, but they are not more than !""E#$%& chinese, the always fear army of 'nam and Korea, some of us have memories of the past, but I have recovered from those nights with fear waiting for the order of battle in Asia, for the wake up calls at the same places.
Agustin Otiz

I don't mean to stir up old pain, Agustin - please believe me. . . for me, the cure was to lock that all away and move forward. It was a painful time for all who served.
I bear no malice to anyone. . . I just prefer to keep the lock on the door.

William Kovach,

For all of us Viet Nam era ex-soldiers, I recommend soldiersheart.net
Dr.John Fisher is a friend of mine and is on the Board of Directors. He spoke at our church Sunday, and he is really impressed by the community that Viet Nam has for their ex-soldiers, which we don' t have, and how closely he was taken into their community on one of his trips there. One of his life's mission is to help create community for Iraqi Vets.

"There is more room in a broken heart." Ron

Dear Ron, I brwosed over this web page, and some tears came down, what a remarkable project John Fisher is doing, I found a couple of friends there, well, I hope God is taking care of them and I hope this part of history does not come back again and Irak is the last chapter of the book of human horrendous chaos.
Agustin Ortiz,

Thanks for sharing
Agustin Ortiz, ...

Agustin - embraso, mi amigo. Thank you for serving. Ron - thank youB
William Kovach,

Agustin - embrazzo, mi amigo. Thank you for serving. Ron - thank youLet's all move on pleaseThat was then; this is NOW

Ron, "There is more room in a broken heart" is so true....it is something I personally understand and have, as God has filled the hurt part of my heart with His love to help heal it and to help others by sharing His love from my heart to theirsl who are hurting. It makes perfect sense, being His servant of healing.Love and blessings to all.Marie-Dominique (on a break)
Marie-Dominique D, .

Bill,I can understand Agustin' desire to have the Asian Population be a wonderful thing ... unfortunately I can't help him in that duologue, some of the pictures still play through my mind and my thoughts. And it wasn't a paradise then and in my mind isn't now. I know people who are here now from Thailand, and they don't see it in his terms either ... but each to there own. And too Ron, Each Country has a right to their own destinies and thats what I meant, and sometimes well meant individuals and countries who come to their "aid" place to much fertilizer on the garden to only harm what they meant to feed, which is also what I meant ... sometimes the old slogan "Best left alone to let Sleeping Dog's lay where they might" is still true.Best regards, Vernon C./Vpc__________________________________________________________

Bill & Vernon,I understand that you do not deal with the past, however also, it is true that "history is doomed to repeat itself if we don't learn from the past."I worked with homeless Viet Nam vets, who were the majority of the homeless then, now the Iraqi vets are becoming the new unfortunate majority.So I join with John's "soldiers hearts" organization to facilitate healing for the vets coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and hope that these people can go back in peace to those countries in the future, as so many Nam Vets are going back to Nam now.Yours in peace now, Ron

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