Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Amazing Grace - by Stacy Lawson (to go with video on previous post)

"Gracefulness has been defined as the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul," wrote British essayist William Hazlitt. If gracefulness is the outer expression, then perhaps grace itself is the source of the inner light.

I have been reflecting recently on the notion of Grace. Nearly every religion has a concept or definition of grace: Grace is the "freely given, unmerited favor and love of God." It is the "spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or to strengthen them." And it is "Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people."

Each of these definitions hints in some way at the mercy of the Divine to shower us with blessings freely, without any pre-condition.

In my post last week, I shared the inspiring and transcendent experience of astronaut Edgar Mitchell during his return trip toward earth in Apollo 14. I also shared my own transformational experience in India when, in a glorious instant, my consciousness exploded into radiant and ecstatic Oneness. All sense of separateness and individual identity vaporized and, for several (timeless) days, "I" was pure Being, imbued with supreme power and intelligence. That was grace.

I did nothing to deserve that experience. The day started out much like any other day. I had no forewarning that my body would soon erupt into brilliant, self-effulgent light, nor any reason to suspect my life was about to take a drastically different course. Yet when the illusion of separation was shattered, my fundamental understanding of reality was radically re-configured. Even this briefest glimpse of the inherent interconnectedness of all things changed "me" forever. That was grace
It was nearly a year later when I thought to ask my spiritual teacher whether the experience had a name. "Of course," he said, "you experienced the light body."
This answer was profound coming from a sage whose lineage are masters of light and transcendence. His deeply mystical tradition teaches that ultimate enlightenment is not simply liberation of the mind (as if that weren't hard enough), but also liberation of the body. The yogis discovered that we have many layers of existence - from the gross physical body, to subtle energy bodies, to the radiant body of light. As we expand our capacity to hold greater light by awakening various energy centers in the body, we can ultimately transform the dense matter of the physical form into the spiritual body of light. Well-known eastern saints such as Babaji and Swami Ramalingam are documented as having achieved this liberation, the immortal "light body", similar to the resurrection of Jesus, the assumption of Mother Mary, or the ascension process in other faiths.

I share this whole story for a particular reason. Independent of your ability to perceive it, or your sense of merit or worthiness, everyone is infused with grace light. Grace light is the incredibly radiant light of the Divine within every soul -- compassionate, intelligent and almighty. It is not a physical light -- it is an explosive inner light, more brilliant and powerful than the sun. It is the burning bush for Moses, the light of Jesus that blinded Paul on his way to Damascus, the power of Allah, Buddha and the enlightened ones of all faiths throughout the ages.
Recognizing this universal truth, the Tamil Siddha lineage is acknowledging an emerging phenomenon - the awakening of grace light in the hearts and minds of more and more people around the globe. According to them, humanity is undergoing a major evolutionary transformation and the great masters of many traditions are here to help steward the process. This lineage believes that grace light will awaken both individual and collective consciousness, affecting a global shift into a new level of human evolution.

Every individual will play an important role in this shift, as the primary conduit for expression of light is the human body. Once various energy centers are opened, (a process the Siddhas call "opening the 9-Gates") you become a vehicle for transmitting light to others. It is an opportunity for everyone to contribute to a shift of consciousness on a global scale.

The beginning of this shift will correspond with a significant astronomical event on the eastern calendar. The "Full Moon of the Guru" or Guru Purnima (July 17th) is an ancient tradition in India when heavenly teachers offer powerful blessings to the human race. It is a time of opportunity for divine energy to enter the collective heart of humanity, bringing new levels of compassion, joy, peace, and divine intelligence to the world.

I encourage you to 'tune in' to the sacred energies during this time. Open into a state of receptivity and faith. Take time for prayer or meditation, let go of fear, and simply let the blessings wash over you. That is grace.

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