Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What an Eco-resort could look like:

ON going green, for Agustine, and others interested:
Ron,There are lots of eco-tourism sites around the world- Maui, St John VI, and others… all with different environments. Your writer should visit, and see what type of systems work for him based on his climate and economics. People pay a premium for being in the eco-sensitive environment, and in the end, maintenance costs and upkeep and infrastructure would be actually much less costly over time and potential revenue would be greater. He should seek expert advisors and investors to help, perhaps after touring the other eco-resorts, and create something better. It would be better financially for him too. We write about eco-tourism and the various resorts in the magazine occasionally, and many magazines feature them, especially in wintertime.
Natural Awakenings Grand Strand EditionKeith Waller, Publisher
Thanks for quick insightful response, Keith, I will send this on to him and Jackie, as I told you, I hope to see her 'retreat" go green also. We cannot have too many!
Committed to helping make planet a more cozy place, Ron

Ron the advice Keith gives is hands on serious stuff. Augustin if you need help and details just give the word.
Amir Hedayat-Vaziri,

Now THAT's the spirit! Bravo All!

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