Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dr. King in India (Words From A Georgia Jail)

Rough draft- will re-edit later:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ideas From India Written in a Georgia Jail

Dr. King confirmed in India what Jesus had already tried to teach him.
"Love your enemies", when he observed the former antagonists were now friends.
How Truth is Love saying no to unjust power in a Powerful Peaceful Way.
How non-violent resistence can stop an injurious administration.

Dr. King came back to the U.S. and applied what he had learned from Gandhi
And the Word, integrated by writing his sermons in a Georgia cell
Initially testing them successfully in Montgomery
By saying no to receiving the acts of violence and resisting unjust authority.

Words can be like billy clubs of police, or they can inspire Truthful Power of Love
Peaceful Commitment to this non-violent resistent way.
Sermons coalesced into a book he named Strength to Love
Stirring consciousnesses so reconciliation can become reality.

Thank you, Jesus, Thank you, Dr. King, Thank you, Gandhi
How much we need to read and apply your words and examples today.
For there are people in authority
Using words like billy clubs as well as waterboarding, bombs and bullets.

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