Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Committing To Oneness - Even Mom?

Even Your Mom? Yes, especially with your Mom!

Sometimes your family members may be the hardest Ones to feel one with - in my case, I have finally united with Mom again after years of feeling seperated from her. One important healing tool is the good memories with them. And then using creativity to ground the new found unity (or was the separation an illusion?) Here is a healing Mom's Day Tribute Poem I have recently put together.

Happy Mother's Day EveryOne - We are all part of each other:
Momma’s Amazing Audio Cocoon

Ron Alexander

Mom’s reading bedtime stories
was a blessing beyond any
technical device’s ability to convey
caring, security and a sense of wonder.

Innocent adventures, mysterious places,
heroic children in brave pioneering families.
brought out the fascination in me
as much as going to the
beach and gazing at the horizon
wondering what it was like across the sea.

I will always be grateful that television
was late in coming to our house,
and that mom took time to provide
us a nurturing, educating, entertaining
safe cocoon with her voice.

Now the table has turned except
It’s her sister reading to Mom
like their Mother and Aunt before them -
widowed sisters - blossoms in a garden
sweetly sharing literary inspirations.

I enjoyed your tribute..........especially the last line.

Oceans of Oneness,
Thanks Susan Sunshine, I know you had no problems loving your Mom, so I am especially grateful that you enjoyed my "tribute" - I think you are cognizant of "problems" I had loving my Mom, but that is in past and almost forgotten. Did I need to add that Mom is almost blind?
"Literary inspirations" was your favorite, huh? Not surprised - I guess all writers would like that - here is what my cousin, who writes historical articles, said and my answer:

Hi, Did you write this? It really warmed my heart. Thanks for the Mother's Day greeting. We will attend our first granddaughter's (Alexander) wedding on May 17 in Sumter, SC. Time certainly does pass fast! Love, Cuz Peggy

Yes, Thank you, Peggy. I did write it, I am a published poet as well as columnist and home-made book (like you so graciously purchased) author. Your granddaughter name is "Alexander"? Congratulations to her.

"Time does pass fast" yet good memories are eternal. Her reading to me as a child led to my exploring as a captain and writing about it later. I am forever grateful to her for that "Audio Cocoon." Happy, Happy Mom's Day and I think Grandmoms are among the most important people in the world. From Bubba, my maternal Grandmom, I always felt unconditional love, which was also vital to my development as a person.
Love, peace and joy, Cuz Ron

My favorite part of the poem:

blossoms in a garden
sweetly sharing literary inspirations.

I loved the 'blossoms in a garden'. Only love recognizes the blossoming of others! If you mention your Mother is now blind, I'd allude to it only obliquely.

Oceans of Oneness,
Thanks Angel of Oneness for the clarification, and I will just leave the poem as it is.... By the way, I have been posting your answers under the "Even Mom" post.

You see I have been writing much but cannot share this with whole prose group, and only a small part with most of poetry group, although I judge more soulful members overall as poets.
In Joy Oneness, Ron

I added this image to card:

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