Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Group Starting May 8th

Committing to Oneness
A Learning To Love EveryOne Group
Ron Alexander

Our church was recently blessed by oneness blessing (deeksha) givers. So powerful, yet how can we be in true oneness without learning to love those we don’t like?
Moving back from California a few years ago, I came back to an ultra-conservative family and co-workers whose militant views and other schisms are abhorrent to me. To not be their “enemy”, I was guided to follow Jesus’ command to: Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and do good to them that hate you, and pray for them….Matthew 5:44.
Then Jesus said, Father, forgive them: for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34, which is the first step for the hardest and most rewarding path of my life.
Joining the Oneness Movement has accelerated my desire to love everyone. In California, I studied and challenged the roots of my own racism, sexism, and homophobia. Books, workshops, groups and attending Michael Beckwith’s diverse Agape Center were particularly helpful. Ernest Holmes’ (Science of Mind), Unity’s Daily Word & Rev. Margaret’s sermons have expanded my ability to love myself and others.
This group is for those who are committed to “being the change we want in our lives” (Gandhi). Handouts will include writings from Strength To Love (Martin Luther King, Jr.). Dr. King’s book is very clear on “why” and “how” to love your enemies. Other handouts will be from A Course In Miracles, Ernest Holmes, Byron Katie, and Awakening into Oneness.
This dialogue and meditation group means we want to hear from you (dialogue) and from Spirit (meditation) as well.
The Oneness Movement is spreading the world over. My Austrian friend, the vocalist Gisele Divina, now a seasoned deeksha giver, recently wrote me: “We are the doers of the silent revolution!!” Join with us.

What is the origin of "deeksha" or "deeksha givers" ? A deeksha is a Sanskrit word for blessing. Specifically, in this case, it is blessing for oneness. It is a hands-on (head) blessing meant to help change the brain to feel more accepting of our fellow humans. Read more about it below by googling Oneness Movement. Try clicking on this: https://www.onenessmovement.org/index.cfm

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